Climate Assessment Technology, Inc.

                                                                          Richard G. Stuff   -  Principle Publications

Titles in General Circulation


Quantitative Relations Between Climate and Soil Formation,  H. Kohnke and P.A. Miller coauthors, Zeit  fur Pflunnand Bodenkunde  119:24-33, 1968.


Probabilidades de lluvia en la zona de Pergamino,  Informe Technico No. 93.  Est Exp. Agro. Pergamino INTA,  Argentina, 16p. 1969.


Investigaciones Cooperativas sobre mejormiento del maiz 1968-69,  coauthors  E. Gonzales, B.A. Krantz and C. Torres,  Informe Technico No. 103, INTA/CIMMYT, 96p. 1970


A Simple Method of Calendar Conversions in Computer Applications, coauthor R. F. Dale, International Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 12:441-442, 1973.


A Study of the Soil Water Tables with Corn on Tile-Drained Chalmers Silt Loam,  R. F. Dale coauthor,  Proceedings Indiana Academy of Science, 84:454-464, 1974.


A Soil Moisture Budget Model Accounting for Shallow Water Table Influences,  R. F. Dale coauthor,  Soil Science Society of America Proceedings,  42:737-643, 1978


The 2010 Degree-Day Phenology Model Quandary and Antidote - A Biological Model Assessment White Paper © by Richard G. Stuff, Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. ClimateAT pdf file download 2010


Titles not in General Circulation


Controlling Soil Moisture Potentials to Study Their Effect on Plant Growth. MS Thesis, Purdue University, 1967.


The Estimation of Soil Moisture under Corn in a Humid Climate and Its Influence on Crop Growth.  Ph.D Thesis,  Purdue University, 1975.


A Comparison of the effect of 10- and 30-day weather data intervals on the correlation of North Dakota wheat yields with temperature and precipitation.  D. D. Wilcox coauthor, Technical Memorandum 642-1478,  Lockheed Electronics Co.  35p. 1974.


Preliminary Evaluation of Phenological Models for Spring Wheat, Technical Memorandum  642-1617.  Lockheed Electronics Co.  27p. 1975.


Temperature Summations: Nominal Models for Prediction Crop Yields by Remote Sensing.  Technical Comment.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration,  Johnson Space Center.   7p. 1977.


Status of Yield Estimation Technology - a Review of 2nd Generation Model Development and Evaluation,  coauthors T. Barnett, G. Boatwright, D. Phinney, and V. Whitehead.  In the LACIE Symposium, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,  Johnson Space Center,  1978.


Weather Map Information for Estimating Daily Advection Contributions to Potential Evapo-transpiration.  J. D. Hill coauthor.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. R&D Report prepared for U.S Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.  24p, 1981.


Agrometeorological Data and Application Needs for Selected Soil and Crop Uses in Argentina.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. Consultancy Report prepared for the United Nations  FAO, Rome and the Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria, Buenos Aires,  34p, 1983.


Agrometeorological Derivation of Bio-physical Properties and Crop Yields and Their use in Conjunction with Remote Sensing Methods for Large Area Production Estimation. Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. Consultancy Report prepared for the United Nations  FAO, Rome and the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Najing,  8, 1984.


An Evaluation of Extended Weather Forecast Capabilities. J. D. Hill coauthor.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. R&D Report prepared for Hill’s Pet Products, Topeka, KS  64p, 1984.


Exploratory Analysis and Modeling of Relationships between Monthly Household Fogger Sales and Weather Variables.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. R&D Report prepared for Hill’s Pet Products, Topeka, KS  64p, 1985.


Applications Setup and Calibration of the GOSSYM Model for Assessing Cotton Yields in 6 US Crop Districts. W.L.Nelson coauthor.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. R&D Report prepared for Doane Information Services, St Louis, Missouri and Rhone-Poulenc Ag Company, Research Triangle Park, NC.   85p, 1988.


Climate Information and Probabilities for Extreme Winds in the Houston-TECO Generating Plant Site Area. Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. R&D Report prepared for Thermal Energy Cooperative,  53p, 1992


Meteorological Data Review Procedures.   J. W. Hathorn coauthor.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. Procedures Guide prepared for Houston Lighting and Power Company – South Texas Project, Houston,  Texas, 1994.


Monthly Climate Report for Houston.  Data from Intercontinental Airport, Charts and Features Summary.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc.  Subscription Service from 1984 to 2000, Houston, Texas.  


Weekly Crop Model Results Update for U.S. Corn and Soybean Yields and Crop Stages. Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. eSubscription Service 2005 ( to 2007 - parts subsequently incorporated into 


Legacy Software Titles (out of production)


Crop Weather Analyst - Weather-Rice Assessment System, Specialized custom software for large area crop estimation and forecasting. Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. prepared for Riviana Foods, Inc.  Houston, Texas 1983.


Weather Analyst,  Data processing and climatological information software for personal computers and weather station data.  It is a general program which can be applied to any crop or field for which users have terms of reference for interpreting basic statistics on the elements and degree-days.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. 1987.


Crop Weather Analyst,   Software for producing practical crop management information from fundamental weather and field records.  The main outputs added are estimates and projections of crop development schedules, crop and soil moisture regimes, and those produced by the Weather Analyst.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. 1987.


Crop  Weather  Analyst - Irrigator,   A comprehensive and versatile weather-based irrigation scheduling program.  Handles rainfall, sprinkler, surface, or subsurface application records and schedules along with the crop management information produced by the Weather Analyst and Crop Weather analyst.  Climate Assessment Technology, Inc.  1987.