Climate Assessment Technology, Inc.
                                                      Richard G. Stuff

                            AAIC/CAT consultant dealing with model integrated crop-soil-climate data
                           and information technologies for agronomic applications - crop production                           
                           analysis, improvement and prediction.
                                                                                      Abbreviated CV

U.S. Citizen by Birth:                    March 1941,  Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

Languages:                                  English and Spanish

Education::                                   Purdue University, Ph.D. 1975. Agricultural Meteorology /
(Primary /Secondary Disciplines)                                                                     Climatology and Agronomy  

                                                     Purdue University, M.S. 1967. Soil Physics / Plant Physiology

                                                     Pennsylvania State University; B.S. 1963. Agri&Bio Science/ Meteorology

Prof Employment                          ZedX Inc. 2008 to 2010, Senior Research Scientist, Bellefonte, PA  16823

                                                     Climate Assessment Technology, Inc. 1980 to 2007, Vice President, President,
                                                        consultant, and project manager; Houston, TX

                                                     National Aeronautics and Space Administration; 1975 to 1979, AST. Earth
                                                        Observations Division, Houston, TX

                                                     Purdue University; 1969 to 1974,  Graduate Research Assistant & Teaching
                                                        Assistant.  W. Lafayette, Indiana

                                                     Purdue University-Ford Foundation; 1967 to 1969, Fellow in Latin American
                                                         Agriculture,  Pergamino Argentina

                                                     U.S. Department of State; 1963 to 1965, Peace Corps Volunteer, Uruguay

Key Prof Experience:                  Commercial software development and operations for climatological analyses,
                                                      soil moisture-irrigation scheduling, and crop predictions: programmer, manager. 

                                                    Research on rainfall, soil moisture and plant responses to water stress: field
                                                      and laboratory.

                                                    Statistical testing of agronomic model performance and evaluation of model-
                                                       system designs, research, and implementations.

                                                    AgroMeteorology advisor and consultant on agricultural businesses, govern-
                                                        ment agencies, and the United Nations FAO.

                                                     (link to A Narrative Description Professional Employment and Experience)

Honors  &  Awards:                     NASA Superior Achievement Award (1979)     

                                                     NASA Outstanding Performance Award (1977)

                                                     Ford Foundation Fellow In Latin America(1965)

                                                     Sigma Xi (1974)

                                                     Phi Epsilon Phi (1962)                     

                                                     Agronomy Junior Achievement Award (1962)

                                                     Pennsylvania State Farmer Degree (1959)

Publications:                                 (link to A List of Publications)